Hair Care & Co.
Eyebrows shine all over the face
We have a lot of hairs. Several million, in fact. And hair is important for us humans. They make us look good – or less good. There's even one hairy part of the body that we use to communicate with other people. In other words: You should never neglect your eyebrows. Or underestimate them.
Although the density of body hair has decreased significantly over the course of evolution, even now hair is found on 96% of our skin’s surface and helps to protect our skin and our body. Only our hands, lips, the soles of our feet, fingernails and toenails are completely free of hair. Our eyebrows are still around, which in many ways is a good thing. Thanks to millions of years of evolution, they perform functions just as nature intended. For one thing, they protect our eyes from debris and sweat droplets.
But before we start talking about the “power” of eyebrows, note that eyebrows, like the hair on our head or in beards, are a form of terminal hair. However, they have a much shorter growth phase. Because, like eyelashes and nose hair, they only grow for 100 to 150 days they stay very short. Even so, these short, fine hairs above our eyes are hugely important when it comes to appearance, communicating moods and well-being.
Like all types of hair, their health is influenced by various factors. Nutrition, general health, strain and stress play a part and can affect your eyebrows. Excessive use of dyes or styling products can also damage eyebrows. If you use tweezers excessively and pluck too much, you risk permanent damage. You can damage the hair follicles to such an extent that no new hairs can grow back. In your skincare routine, pay special attention to the skin under your eyebrows and cleanse it carefully.
Shaping our faces
In our hair pages, we have already highlighted the topic of hairstyles and established how important they can be for you personally and how much they can express. Well, it’s basically the same story with eyebrows.
Who doesn't want to look their best and “work” on this by paying attention to their eyebrows? Probably not as many as take care of the hair on their head. By the way, by “their best” we are not referring to any general ideal of beauty, or even a traditional one. We mean your very own, personal idea of beauty and satisfaction. Variations on the norm, from the self-confident presentation of your own “flaws” through to strident self-promotion, are increasingly becoming part of the mainstream.
There were times when there were special color rules for eyebrows that had to be followed. Eyebrows any darker than the hair on your head were almost taboo. This type of dictatorship is over. Individuality has gained the upper hand.
Make a statement
Of course, there are a few recommendations that make sense. The shape of the head and eyes should be considered when choosing a look for your eyebrows, especially if you want to make a statement with your “new” appearance. The choice of what products and treatments to use is also important. If you want more volume, excessive plucking will be counterproductive. The small, fine hairs that generally fall prey to the tweezers are what provide a "powerful" look, with a fuller presence over the eye .
The shape and condition of the hairs must be taken into account when contemplating a change. Are your brows dense, thin or a bit patchy? The cosmetics industry offers numerous solutions to achieve the desired result. We will be presenting some of these solutions here in upcoming articles.
Do you love a natural look and want to let it grow? Prefer to make a cooler impression with a fine line over your eyes? Want something wild or extravagant or do you prefer discretion? There are so many possibilities. Here are just a few examples:
- Makeup
- Permanent makeup
- Extensions
- Vita Brows
- Transplants
Once again: it’s all a matter of taste. And tastes can change. It’s not only hairstyle fashions that come, and go and reappear again. Eyebrows also have an extensive fashion history. By the way, eyebrows became important early on in history – at least as far back as ancient Egypt. Think: Nefertiti.
Have you ever stopped to think that eyebrows can do so much more than just provide a frame for your face? Our eyebrows can communicate. Okay, maybe that's overstating it a bit. Probably a better way to say it is that we use them to express things. Eyebrows are an important part of our facial expressions, even if they aren't the first thing that comes to mind. We can use our mouths to grimace, laugh or look sad, but our eyebrows?
Say it with your brows
Sit down opposite someone and try it out. Tell them something totally incredible and watch their eyebrows knit together in doubt, rise in amazement, or perhaps strike a thoughtful pose. Your listener doesn't have to say a word: you know what they are thinking, and whether they believe you, doubt you or find you amusing.
Dr Javid Sadr, Professor of Neuroscience (Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology), discusses the importance of eyebrows in his paper “The role of eyebrows in face recognition”. Including their impact on non-verbal communication. “It’s not surprising that cartoonists recognize and use the power of eyebrows to convey emotion in even the simplest line drawings.” - (Source: DOI:10.1068/p5027)
In other words, eyebrows not only make us look good, but also allow us to express emotions and send out other social signals. Our skin is much more than our outer shell, and our hair is much more than “skin appendages” (adnexa), as biologists define it. In addition to protecting our body and health, both our skin and hair ensure our well-being. Our hair and skin are also important for the soul, our self-confidence and our personal satisfaction.
These are good reasons to apply the right amount of care and styling. Do what is good for you. And get personal about it.