Hair Care & Co.
Hairstyles speak louder than words
If you want to change your appearance, there are a number of options and ways you can do this. New clothes are one option, so is new makeup. A trip to a cosmetic surgeon is certainly another one. But the most common way to change how you look is to go to the hairdresser.
Hair has a big impact on our wellbeing. We want to look and feel good. Think that this introduction seems familiar? You're right! This is how we started our article on Hair Care. This statement also applies 100% to the topic of hairstyles.
We don't want to delve too deeply into the psychology of it. The desire for change does not always have to result from profound reflections. Sometimes a man or a woman might just fall in love with a look, adore an idol or maybe both.
Do you remember the world-famous pudding-bowl hairstyles? The Beatles had them, made them socially acceptable and many fans rushed to copy them. Pudding bowls were in. Many amateur athletes, with brunette, black or red hair, had their hair bleached in the 1990s, peroxide blonde. Extrovert sports stars started this trend. Blonde was in. Or the rush to the hairdressers when "Friends" first appeared on our screens. Women wanted a trendy haircut like TV star Jennifer Aniston's, who played Rachel who turned the head of almost every man who passed. The Rachel look was in. Sometimes it's the "simple" things that lead people to want change and make changes.
There are of course also more profound reasons, with a more serious background. Everyone for sure knows one or more women who have come back from the hairdresser as practically a new person, following a breakup. Instead of a long mane, a cute bob, instead of chestnut brown, as blonde as Marylin Monroe. A new hairstyle as a visible sign of change. A change of style as a new start. Hair and hairstyles can give you self-confidence, self-awareness and the associated positive charisma. Anyone who has experienced a "bad hair day" knows just how bad the opposite can be.
A brief look at the long and exciting history of hair fashions shows that hairstyles have often been used to signal membership of certain groups, cultures and social classes. Social status could be recognized and identified by the hairstyles.
Nowadays, it is more the fashion and stylish aspects that make our hair and its appearance so important. A mohawk is not always a punk, and a neatly combed side parting does not automatically mean a banker or civil servant. But hairstyles still play a major role in social interaction today.
Can hairstyles tell us something about people?
There is a popular saying that "you only get one chance to make a first impression". And that first glance often falls on your hair. As well as the purely personal judgment and opinion, such as what you think of the guy with the wild hairstyle and tousled hair, there is also the psychological approach. It's all about perception and charisma. Your character or personality is assessed based on the hairstyle. We really don't want to judge whether this is always justified or not. And we will also set aside whether a side parting suggests different personal characteristics and traits than a center parting. We didn't want to dive too deeply into the psychology.
But a quick glance is fascinating. Who would have thought that certain hairstyles can evoke very specific associations for a personnel manager during job applications and interviews? Leadership ability, creativity and seriousness are associated with certain hairstyles and hair colors and seem to play a role in the selection process. A hairstyle that seems a perfect fit in the fashion or music business can be a total misfit when applying for a job in the insurance industry. Hairstyles here are playing much the same role as work clothes. Might fit, but doesn't have to. But isn't it a bit narrow-minded in 2021 to be unable to imagine a mohawk hairstyle behind the bank counter?
Something we shouldn't ignore: do whatever does you good. There is no limit to the possibilities for changing your style whenever you want to. A new hairstyle particularly can bring a breath of fresh air into your life. Talk to your hairdresser and choose the hairstyle that suits you best. Perhaps you don't need to change your style at all. You might just want to change your daily hair care routine.
Beauty comes from within. We have also used this sentence many times. Because we believe in it. If you’re feeling good, whether with a new hairstyle or an old one, those around you will notice. Nothing gets in the way of that first impression.