All about sun

"We love the sun. But we also know that sun protection is very important nowadays,” says Marcel Schnyder Head of Global Technical Center Sun Care in Grenzach. With the microsite, BASF wants to raise awareness for the importance of sun care.

We describe UV filters, skin types and the light spectrum and take a closer look at the sun's rays. Find everything worth knowing about the sun and useful tips on how to protect yourself.

With one or the other article, your anticipation for the next vacation will probably increase.

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    Sun protection

    Without consistent sun protection, there is a risk of significant health damage. Modern products are very effective and also feel good. Everything you need to know about using sunscreen and applying it the right way.

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    Every day the sun rises — nothing seems more normal to us. Unimaginable forces are at play. Without them, life would not be possible. Join us on an exciting journey to this cosmic superpower house.

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    Skin and skin types

    The skin is our largest and most versatile organ. UV radiation is its natural enemy, if there is too much exposure. Everything you need to know about skin types, invisible threats and how to protect yourself.

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    Ask our experts

    How much sunscreen do I need to use? Can sunscreen go bad? How do UV filters work? What does sun protection have to do with playing golf? Our experts will answer these questions and more.

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    Responsible UV protection

    UV filters play a crucial and well acknowledged role in skin cancer prevention. To accomplish this function they possess specific characteristics, and a portfolio of UV filters is needed to cover the full UV spectrum of sunlight. Furthermore, UV filters must meet high requirements to ensure safe and effective sunscreen products with a high level of acceptance among the population. On this page you find insights into the exciting world of UV filters and how BASF is contributing to sustainable sun protection.

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  • Ask our experts

    Misinterpretations when it comes to sunscreen

    If you follow our articles here on the sun page, you know how much we care about sunscreen. We want to raise people’s awareness about the topic. And we want to clarify the numerous misinterpretations that persist around UV filters and sunscreen products. To do this, it requires us to take a look back into the past – and into the future.

  • Sunlight

    When light makes aging visible

    Aging is part of life. It's nothing new. But the fact that the sun not only makes us look radiant but can also noticeably age us might be a new concept for some. We are talking here about light-induced aging, also known as photoaging.

  • Skin and skin types

    Sun protection for bald heads

    No hair to provide some natural protection from the sun: For those with bald heads, giving the scalp sufficient time, care and the right products to protect it from excessive UV exposure is essential.

  • Sun protection

    Sustainable sunscreen – a challenge

    It is so important, yet remains the subject of heated discussion: sunscreen. In fact, sun protection in general is facing major challenges. The issue of environmental protection is one of them.

  • Ask our experts

    Environmental protection & sunscreen: In demand in Grenzach

    Many people have been following the public and scientific reports on the effects of sunscreens and their UV filters on the environment in recent months and years. Many of these reports have been found to be either too general or even incorrect. 

Our Highlights

Skin and skin types 600x350 Einbuddeln am Strand

How to protect yourself the right way

Whoever knows their skin type, can plan their time in the sun better, whether they use sunscreen or not. However, it’s not easy to figure out which skin type you have.

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Too much of a good thing

"Did you pack the sunscreen?" Everyone has asked or heard this question right before leaving for their long-awaited vacation. When it's the nicest time of year, most people remember that sun protection is important. In everyday life they don’t. 

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