Sustainable sunscreen – a challenge
It is so important, yet remains the subject of heated discussion: sunscreen. In fact, sun protection in general is facing major challenges. The issue of environmental protection is one of them.
It is so important, yet remains the subject of heated discussion: sunscreen. In fact, sun protection in general is facing major challenges. The issue of environmental protection is one of them.
Take a glance at the store shelves and you’ll see that there is a huge number of sunscreen products available. And this is a good thing, because not only is protection from sunlight important for everyone, but it is now also a highly individual matter.
There is plenty of information available on the topic of sunscreen these days. However, some information is slightly confusing, while some is unfortunately incorrect. Does sunscreen work immediately after application, or do I have to wait 20 to 30 minutes before I can go out in the sun?
Sunlight is vital to survival. Not only for humans and animals, but also for the plant world. Sun protection is also an issue for plants.
On hot summer days, the temperature alone is not a good indicator of how much we need to protect ourselves from the sun’s rays. The values on the UV index, on the other hand, are a superb indicator. Here’s our little reminder to keep sunscreen on your radar.
Reapplying sunscreen is important for your sun protection. Fact. Reapplying sunscreen maintains sun protection. Fact. However, it is a myth and wrong that it allows you to stay in the sun for an unlimited length of time.
If "after sun" was a language, which is to say skin care after being out in the sun, then you might think it was directed purely at holidaymakers who like to soak up the sun's rays. That would amount to a very limited group of consumers. The fact is, though, that whether you’re on holiday, working outdoors or simply enjoying your life and hobbies outside: sun protection isn't limited to the holiday season – and neither is skincare afterwards.
Searching for the origins of something can sometimes present a challenge. A case in point: when we wanted to find out who invented sunscreen, we ended up with light bulbs. They have more in common than light alone.
When a new cosmetic product is launched on the market, it is time to switch on the advertising megaphone – loudly. The product can do this, that and the other. Before that can happen, however, researchers and developers need to back up the advertising claims with validated tests and results . Customers and end users have to be able to rely on the statements made about the products.
We've already provided information about ingredients, classifications and INCIs here on our sun page. But what are the actual functions of these ingredients? What do the individual building blocks of a sunscreen do?
Not only is the information about a sunscreen product important, but consumers rely on it being correct. Before any sun protection factor figures or information about the UVA protection level can be printed on packaging, the products have to undergo test procedures to validate these values.
When buying sunscreen, the majority of consumers pay most attention to the sun protection factor. This value is tested directly on humans via what is known as an in vivo process. However: A high sun protection factor alone does not mean a sunscreen is good.
Animals aren't newcomers to the topic of sun protection. In general, it can be said that animals are very good at handling the heat emitted by that burning celestial body.
When on vacation, at the beach or in the mountains, it's virtually impossible to avoid thinking about sunscreen and protection from the sun. But how about protecting yourself when spending a long time in the sun at work? There's really no reason why you shouldn't do it. And this is why sun protection is now a key part of occupational safety.
If you buy a sun cream with a sun protection factor of 50, then you need to be certain that SPF 50 is actually provided. To ensure that this is the case worldwide, there is an ISO standard: ISO 24444.
Are sunscreen products using nanofilters safe for consumers? Why are there so many preconceptions against it? Can you make sunscreens that are environmentally friendly? Opinions on this widely differ in terms of reporting and also public opinion. We want to bring light into the darkness and have exchanged ideas with our solar experts in Grenzach. Dr. Myriam Sohn took some time for a short Q&A for us.
To make one thing clear first: Even if you don't know the list of ingredients on a face cream, shampoo or sun lotion, you can be sure that the products are safe and safe to use.
Research and development plays an important role in the Sun Care division at BASF. We wanted to know from our colleagues in Grenzach how important patents are for them, what types of approvals exist and what customers can expect from BASF.
Laboratory conditions usually have little to do with life outside. Is this true? Not quite. With the BASF Personal Care Sunscreen Simulator, formulators and manufacturers of sun protection products can work with results that are increasingly closer to real life.
Sunscreens must protect skin and not harm nature. But how can the consumer know that the new cream is also environmentally friendly? The BASF EcoSun Pass takes you closer to the answer.
The topic of sun protection is shrouded in countless myths and misinformation – even today. This is especially the case for filter labelling and how the products work.
The EcoSun Pass has won over initial customers who are displaying the label on their products.
You can read a lot about raw materials and ingredients used in different cosmetic products. We are going take a glance inside the formulas.
Some consumers only buy according to INCI specifications, while others don’t even know what it is.
There is another theme in wildlife that is much more exciting than protection from UV radiation, even if the latter plays the main role.
A tube or bottle of sunscreen is always within reach for most people. At least when we are on vacation. But sun protection is everyday business — 365 days a year.
Some people don’t like sunscreen very much. They don’t like the feeling of putting on sunscreen: too sticky, too thick, too greasy. However, modern formulations are very effective and feel extremely pleasant.
Modern sunscreens are very effective in protecting against sunburn and other damages caused by UV rays. Proper application plus following some easy guidelines puts you on the safe side.
Nanotechnology is under dispute. Many consumers feel uncertain about using products containing nano filters. For the sake of sun protection they are very powerful though.
UV filters have to do a difficult job. They are expected to provide reliable protection against the different UV rays. Sunscreens and care products have to feel extremely pleasant too. Excellent scientific know-how is necessary to meet all demands.
Before the first sunscreen came on the market in 1933, people could either avoid the sun or wear appropriate clothing to protect their skin from harmful radiation. Since then, knowledge about the danger of UV radiation has grown enormously.
"Did you pack the sunscreen?" Everyone has asked or heard this question right before leaving for their long-awaited vacation. When it's the nicest time of year, most people remember that sun protection is important. In everyday life they don’t.