Hair and scalp care
Naturally personalized
People worldwide spend most part of their day on social media, sharing selfies and being exposed to influencers.
The pressure to always look perfect and styled is fueling demand for the necessary products.
Consumers all over the world know: holistic care means maintaining a healthy scalp while keeping the hair full, soft and supple. And optimum haircare is only possible if it is geared toward individual hair types. Recent international surveys* show that more than 40% of female haircare consumers already use products that match their hair types. Almost half of respondents in France say they find it hard to identify exactly which products are right for them. At BASF, we sum up these trends as follows:
- Personalization of haircare – customize without confusion
- Scalp care focus – microbiome care, antipollution and “skinification” of haircare
- Natural and ethical – reduced carbon footprint, ethical and sustainable sourcing
- Professional Care – salon-level efficacy in convenient at-home formats
We have developed an array of rinse-off and leave-on solutions specifically to meet these needs – solutions that provide excellent combability and a natural gloss. Take advantage of our natural and high-performance ingredients to create scalp- and haircare products with clearly stated benefits, eco-friendliness claims and suitability for individual hair types – and profit from this growing global trend.
*Source: Lightspeed/Mintel/ KuRunData/Mintel,1,922 US internet users aged 18+ who use hair care products; 1,034 French female internet users aged 16+; 3,000 Chinese internet users aged 20-49 who are not bald/shaven
Personalization of Hair Care
Customize without Confusion
Scalp Care Focus
Microbiome Care, Anti-pollution and Skinification of Hair Care
Natural and Ethical
Maintaining Naturalness Boom, Increasing Attention to Sustainability and Waterless Revolution
Professional Care
Efficacy of Salon Procedures in Convenient At-home Formats