BASF Personal Care

Discover Personal Care

From regional consumer trends to global megatrends – the world of cosmetics is multifaceted. It protects, it cares, it decorates – and it makes you feel good. We at BASF Personal Care are inspired and want to inspire and inform here in our little cosmos of well-being.

Whether it's explanations of ingredients or formulations, consumer questions or interesting facts from research, development and history – we provide solutions for body and hair care, sun protection and give answers. 

A & O beim Sonnenschutz

  • Trends & research

    Coronavirus, COVID-19, pandemic. The virus has not just kept the whole world guessing. It has also changed the world. COVID-19 has left its mark on cosmetics and personal care as well. Some trends are in fact positive. Positive meaning good, not positive meaning an infection.

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    Since 1975, the different skin types have been divided into categories which are still valid today. Knowing your skin type is helpful so you can plan how to protect your skin.

  • Sun protection

    Sunscreens must protect skin and not harm nature. But how can the consumer know that the new cream is also environmentally friendly? The BASF EcoSun Pass takes you closer to the answer.

  • Hair and scalp

    We are blessed with an abundant quantity of hair. We have several million of them. Only our hands, lips, soles of our feet, fingernails and toenails are hair free. Hair, part of our largest organ, our skin. The fact that they are "only" referred to as appendages does not do them justice.

Trends & Co.

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    "Did you pack the sunscreen?" Everyone has asked or heard this question right before leaving for their long-awaited vacation. When it's the nicest time of year, most people remember that sun protection is important. In everyday life they don’t. 

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    Before the first sunscreen came on the market in 1933, people could either avoid the sun or wear appropriate clothing to protect their skin from harmful radiation. Since then, knowledge about the danger of UV radiation has grown enormously.

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    UV filters have to do a difficult job. They are expected to provide reliable protection against the different UV rays. Sunscreens and care products have to feel extremely pleasant too. Excellent scientific know-how is necessary to meet all demands.

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    Nanotechnology is under dispute. Many consumers feel uncertain about using products containing nano filters. For the sake of sun protection they are very powerful though.


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    Heute geborene Mädchen werden im Schnitt über 83 Jahre alt; Jungen haben immerhin noch gut 78 Jahre Lebenszeit vor sich. Tendenz steigend. Das ändert aber nichts daran, dass unsere Haut ungefähr ab dem Alter von 25 Jahren schon erste Zeichen der Alterung zeigt. Wir schauen uns genauer an, was da passiert – und wie man der vorzeitigen Hautalterung vielleicht entgegenwirken kann.

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    Authentizität, Individualität und Echtheit sind die neuen Maßstäbe für Schönheit. Denn Schönheit hat wirklich gar nichts mit dem vermeintlich besten Alter zu tun.

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    Ein Dutzend oder mehr verschiedene Cremes, Lotions, Duschcremes und anderer Kosmetika findet sich in jedem durchschnittlichen Haushalt. Angesichts dieses riesigen Angebots stellt sich die Frage: Ist so viel Hautpflege überhaupt sinnvoll?

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    Klar ist: Haut, Psyche und Gehirn sind eng miteinander verbunden.

All about Personal Care

Hair – more than just a matter of the head

Hair has a great influence on our well-being. Whether it's the right hairstyle, a cool beard or stunning eyelashes: hair decorates and makes us look good.

Hair, its structure, the right care: Browse and discover more hairy matters.

Skin – simply feel good

With a combination of nature, nutrition and healthy, sustainable cosmetics, a time-out has a direct, active benefit. When you feel the cool water on your bare feet, you know you’ve left the daily routine behind.

Click through our little skin cosmos and learn interesting facts from the world of skin, skin care, trends and research.