Beyond Beauty:
Do well. Feel well. Age well.
No gift is more beautiful than a long and joyful life where health and vitality are at the core, and well-aging and well-being come together.
Personal Care of tomorrow will focus on a synergistic relationship between lifelong self-care, emotional engagement and eco-conscious stewardship. That is why we dedicate our latest concept to our Longevity Ecosystem, with a vision that encompasses a broader perspective on beauty.
by integrating physical, emotional and environmental well-being, promoting inclusive and mindful routines.
by offering natural ingredients enabling eco-conscious practices and climate adaptive solutions.
by utilizing latest scientific findings and novel evidence-based methods that cater a holistic approach, are transparent and build trust to consumers.

Unlock the future with our Longevity Ecosystem!
Thursday, 10th April 2025,
10:45 - 11:15 / Sustainability Theatre
Sustainability Lecture
Dr. Bianca Seelig:
Advancing Sustainability:
Holistic Formulation Strategies in Personal Care