
Antipollution skincare

A growing demand and market opportunity

Air pollution is Europe’s single-biggest health risk, according to current WHO statistics. There are many different health threats from pollution in its various forms, including impact on the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. The body’s largest organ, the skin, is of course also affected. BASF has developed a 3-stage skin-protection and -care system to safeguard against the negative effects of pollution.

Check out the WebexRecordings (English version)

Anti-pollution comes to the forefront | in-cosmetics Connect

In this latest podcast, an expert panel discuss why anti-pollution skincare is so popular right now and the opportunities this presents to cosmetics

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Antipollution – Interview with Dr. Philipp-Dormston

In this video interview, Dr. Philipp-Dormston, dermatologist and anti-pollution expert, explains how to best protect the skin and reviews BASF's latest approach.

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Sophie, 31 years old
Paris, France

She lives in a metropolitan area. She wants to remove all the pollutants from her face before going to sleep.

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Aishe, 35 years old

As a business woman, she travels often for business meetings. Her skin gets constantly exposed to pollutants. She wishes her skin stress-free and well-protected.

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Anti-Adhesion / Removability

Alexandra, 20 years old 

As a fashion model, she is often exposed to indoor and outdoor pollution. She is conscious about her look for camera-readiness and seeks for something fast and easy to stay fresh through the day.